IEC 61499, which is theresult of this work, has been promoted in the literature asthe solution that would address restrictions and challenges in the industrial automation development process.For example: a) In, the 61499 is presented with thefollowing main features: “component-oriented buildingblocks called FBs, graphical intuitive way of modelingcontrol algorithms through the connection of FBs, directJSEAĤ06IEC 61499 vs. On the other side,portability, configurability, interoperability, reconfiguration, and distribution have been identified in as thehigh-level demands/requirements for future automationsystems.To address restrictions as well as new challenges in thedevelopment of industrial automation systems, the Technical Committee 65 of the International ElectrotechnicalCommission (IEC TC65) was assigned the task of developing a new standard.
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Inaddition, as claimed in, the concepts of 61131 “arenot the state of the art in software engineering anymore”,even though not explicitly stating which concepts thestandard does not support and which of the supportedones are not any more state of the art. However, thestandard has been criticized the past few years for notaddressing any more the requirements of today’s complex industrial automation systems and not being compliant with state of the art software engineering practices.For example, it is claimed in that current softwareCopyright 2013 SciRes.architectures of industrial process measurement and control systems (IPMCS), such as IEC 61131-3, do not conceptually support reconfiguration and distribution. PLCOpen provides considerable support for the use of the language in several domains andproducts, i.e., motion control libraries. Research groups, e.g.,, have presented model based approaches targeting on this standardto improve the engineering process of industrial automation systems. Thelanguages of the standard are also successfully used forthe development of hard real-time systems in the Industrial domain. Control engineers predominantly use it tospecify the software part of their systems, mainly whenprogrammable logic controllers (PLCs) are used. The standard, which is considered asone of the most important ones in industrial automation, defines a model and a set of programming languages(part 3) for the development of industrial automationsoftware. IntroductionIndustrial automation systems have been based for manyyears on the IEC 61131 standard, which was firstpublished in 1992. A number of misperceptions are presentedand discussed in this paper to show that the comparison, which appears in the literature, between IEC 6141is not substantiated.Keywords: Industrial Automation Systems Industrial Automation Standards IEC 6141 Function BlockDiagram1. Inthis paper, it is argued that IEC 61499 has been promoted by academy based on unsubstantiated claims on its main features, i.e., reusability, portability, interoperability, event-driven execution. This standard was not accepted by industry even though it is highly promoted by the academic community.

To address these restrictions, the IEC has initiated thetask of developing the IEC 61499, which is presented as a mature technology to enable intelligent automation in variousdomains. However, it is claimed that thestandard does not address today the new requirements of complex industrial systems, which include among others,portability, interoperability, increased reusability and distribution. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.ABSTRACTThe IEC 61131 standard has been widely accepted in the industrial automation domain. 61131: A Comparison Based onMisperceptionsKleanthis ThramboulidisElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.Email: May 9th, 2013 revised June 10th, 2013 accepted June 18th, 2013Copyright 2013 Kleanthis Thramboulidis. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2013, 6, 405-415 Published Online August 2013 ()405IEC 61499 vs.